Am Segulah
We are known as the Am Segulah (Shmos 19:5) which the mefarshim explain as cherished nation. But possibly the root of the word segulah relates to segol the three-dotted vowel. Thus am segulah would be more appropriately explained as the three-faceted nation.
What are the three facets?
The Gemora (Yevamos 79a) brings a situation where Dovid Hamelech had to appease the Givonim for a killing that Shaul had committed. Dovid approached them and they said we can’t be appeased with monetary compensation but give us 7 of Saul’s offspring and we will hang them. Based on this, Dovid decreed that the Givonim should not be accepted as converts, stating three characteristics of the Jewish People (See Ethical, Ritual, Moral):
Harachamanim - merciful - intrapersonal, internal to the person
Habaishonim - humble/modest, possessing shame – religious – relationship with Hashem
Gomlei chasadim - performing kindness –interpersonal – relationship with others
How are these acquired?
The Gemora brings interesting (unexpected) sources for each:
Rachamanim – Mercy
He [Hashem] will give you mercy etc.
What makes a person merciful?
Primarily one is born with the trait (although one can attain the trait with much work) – nature.
Habaishonim - humble/modest
In order that you should have His [Hashem’s] fear on your faces
This posuk is stated when the Jews were at Sinai and receiving the 10 Commandments amidst furious sounds and sights and they were overcome with awe. Hashem is doing this so that you will come to fear him ie. a person develops this themselves – behavior.
Gomlei chasadim - performing kindness
About Avraham that; he will command his children and household…and they will guard the way of Hashem to do justice and judgement.
So we see to do kindness is something one learns from others (mostly in the home) – nurture.
This would explain why, in general Jews are passionate about the rights of others (merciful) and they are usually disproportionately generous (gomlei chasodim) independent of their connection to Torah.
This also explains why there are so many aspects of Torah that relate to three – Avos, Chaggim, neshomah / ruach / nefesh, Kohain/ Levi/ Yisroel etc.
Related essays: Ethical, Ritual, Moral;