Sourcing Contemporary Wisdom in Torah
Yerachmiel Isacowitz is a Torah-education consultant based in Sydney, Australia.
I used to think that Baal Tshuvah was a stage. I now see it as a state and a unique state. It is a phenomenon of taking a life of experiences in vastly different worlds and midos developed therein and harnessing them in Torah and avoidah. A real life kiyum of Torah im derech eretz.
As such, it is easier to be mechadesh with new ideas.
My primary aims with TorahConcepts are to:
Provide content and tools of learning, so that, rather than just sourcing information, one who learns it gains knowledge, meaning personal growth.
Start a conversation to reinvent Jewish education as the primary focus of Jews of all walks of life, as it has always been
I am supremely grateful to H’ for bringing me to this point to utilize all the incredible life experiences I have had, to compose accessible, relevant and engaging Torah.
I learned how to mine and refine Torah from Rabbi Raphael Lapin and to make learning primary at BMG Lakewood, New Jersey.
One-on-one or group learning (face to face or online)
Everything from aleph beis to advanced Gemora :
enjoy the delight of proficiency in Torah learning
experience the thrill of accessing the great commentators direct from the source
develop independent learning and language skills
Curriculum Design
Project basis or complete rewrite
Guest Presenter
Creating programs to present to students young and old on particular topics or skills
Education Consultant
How to make Torah instruction contemporary, clear, relevant and engaging. Direct instruction or train the trainers
Request Book
Create the demand to inspire publishing of a book