Breishit (Copy)







Rashi says בראשית can’t be in the beginning because Shamayim is Eish and Mayim which preceded. Ramban says ברא is (yeish mei’ayin,) the primary substance, so lich’ora does not have this problem and could learn it as popularly translated. 13/10/20

Levels of Creation Unpacked

So why did Hashem bait the evolutionists with a stupendous creation process of simple to complex, rather than just drop us in a midbar with manna? So we can apply the different levels of creation, with which we are imbued. Eg:

  • Be domem (mineral - silent) to those that curse us

  • Be tzomeach (plant - growth) and grow upwards and in all aspects

  • Apply midos of chayos (animal) in serving Hashem eg גבור כארי, עז כנמר, קל כנשר, רץ כצבי

  • And most importantly- be human

    Also, to illustrate the 4 sons (students,) catering for each according to what they are:

  • Domem - אינו יודע לשאול

  • Tzemach - תם

  • Chaya - רשע

  • Adam - חכם


A lesson from Kayin, one’s sin is not too much for Hashem to bear - אם תיטב שאת - if you do good it will be carried 24/9/2019

Never say Never


I think Hashem was teaching Kayin an essential lesson. There is an antidote (do good.) Otherwise you become psychologically entrenched in the vicious cycle of evil and you cannot escape.

Sharing the Light

בורא is אור is with a ב because Hashem “wanted” to share His light with another

In the beginning, Hashem created chaos, tohu vavohu. 5/6/2019

In the beginning

Human Make Up 1

The missing link is Hashem. It is no chiddush that we have a physical resemblance to apes, each level of creation is based on the lower (at least in design.) In fact Chazal call us ‘mehalchei shtayim.’ Maybe when the greatest miscreants of the Dor Haflogah were turned into apes, their human (spiritual / intellectual) element was removed. 4/2/2019


Human Make Up 2

Even though H’ formed even our physical bodies Himself, they were based on the prototype . In fact, if there was any ‘evolution’ it was woman ‘evolving’ from man. 4/2/2019


Looking at the globe, it is quite feasible to put the jigsaw pieces together and create 1 landmass. Using Rav Shwabb’s explanation of the 6 days of creation and time, that during the 6 days, worldly processess were massively faster, it is conceivable that continental drift is a reality. This is a shtikel mashma from Rashi that there is only 1 sea, Ukinus. 22/1/2019

Continental Drift

Why did H’ create the female taninam just to shecht it? I think because male and female is completion of the world and is required for creation even if only bekoach and not bepoel. And more, perhaps one can say male/ female is the purpose. Being fruitful and multiplying is just a product thereof. My detractors might say what about the shamir which, I believe had no female? Maybe shrotsim are different ? 20/11/2018

Male and Female

Warning ⚠️ do not read in a place where you can’t burst into fits of laughter: Advice to CEO’s who want to become Chairman Learn from Hashem - He rested on day 7 to show the world could ‘run’ by itself. He gave naming rights to Adam, management of inventory to Noach and senior executive to a triumvirate; Avraham (CFO - habrochas nesunos beyadav,) Yitzchok (welfare) and Yaacov (corporate culture.) Through Yetzias Mitzrayim, He gave us direct control and took a chairmanship role and He gets cheesed off if we don't do our job and make Him come into the office. Now He is involved in corporate mergers Perush: The Medrash says one of the chachomim met Eliyahu Hanovi and said”now that H’ has created the world what is He doing.” To which Eliyahu replied; “He is mezaveg zivugim [making matches].” 23/10/2018

CEO Training from Hashem


In Dad's Business

I saw an Or Hachayim that Adam lived in Shamayim and aretz, like a man who inhabits the house and the attic at once. After the sin it was just house and shamayim was after death. It seems to me that the Avois restored the connection (sulam,) Avraham as the rosh (re-discovering Hashem, )Yitzchok the body (olah temimah) and Yaacov the legs (gid hanashe) so that Moshe could ascend to shamayim in life. This would explain why the Avois are the beginning of the 2000 year Torah tekufah. 13/11/2018



Pre and Post Mabul

According to the opinion that pre mabul the earth was at a 90 degree angle and always spring, how do we understand the chagim being named after the seasons. The understanding being that the world was made to fulfill the Torah, which preceded. Maybe you could say Chag HaPesach was always so. It became Chag HaAviv after Mabul and Zman Cheruseinu after Yetzias Mitzrayim etc. 26/10/20

How Much Gratitude

I taught Noach as research project in surface area needed, compared to the teivah dimensions.
Now in Modim, I’m trying to imagine how much H’ has done for me, multiplied by all that have and will live.
No wonder it takes so long. 23/10/2020



This Parsha deals with the first GFC (Global Flood Crash.) Notwithstanding what I said re executive (see Bereishis,) you still need the right people on the ground. 21/10/20


I assume we know when Shabbos is because Noach’s Yona found menucha in Gan Eden on Shabbos.
Otherwise, as far as I know, it was completely dark for the mabul, unless the tzohar revealed day and night. If not, what was the purpose of the tzohar according to the opinion that it was just a window?
Incidentally, if one is stuck in a desert with no track of time and one keeps the 7th day Shabbos, as I believe halocha states, is it de’Oirasa? 26/1/2020

Spiritual Relativity

Lich’ora, even if you say בדורותיו is a put down compared to Avrohom; it is still a tremendous praise to Noach to be a tzaddik in the midst of such a generation. 1/11/2019

Eating Fish

I understand that until Noach meat was not on the menu, because H’ created all equal. The animals were saved bizchus Noach, so became mutar. What was the status of fish, did it change and if so why? 21/10/2018

Adam and Noach

I seem to be getting more chosidish (seeing the brighter side,) with age. It seems to me that H’ set it up that through the chet of Adam Harishon, man became a partner in creation ie Noach, by his actions and tevah, was responsible for the existence of the world. On the other hand, it seems the shutfus Adam Harishon had (naming the animals, davening for rain etc.) was light years greater. In summary, Adam was a shutaf in ruchnius (senior executive,) Noach in gashmius (management.) 15/10/2018

Nach/ Nechomah/ Menucha

Following on the tumel of whether Noach is so named from nach (rest,) nechama (comfort,) or menucha (serenity.)

Yom Tov is mevatel (negates) aveilus (mourning.) Shabbos does not. It seems to me that the emotional simcha of YT effects the psychological healing of mourning practices (nechomah,) whereas the menucha of Shabbos (from physical and mental toil,) does not.

I assume we know when Shabbos is because Noach’s Yona found menucha in Gan Eden on Shabbos.

Otherwise, as far as I know, it was completely dark for the mabul and unless the tzohar revealed day and night. If not, what waas the purpose of the tzohar?
Incidentally, if one is stuck in a desert with no track of time and one keeps the 7th day Shabbos, as I believe halocha states, is it de’Oirasa? 26/1/2020


Lech Lecha

I think there is an insight into the word מל (circumcise) from the Tanach. Avrohom was מ (lech meartsecha umimoladetecha...,) Yaacov is ל (shuv leartsecha ulemoladetecha,) together this constitutes a full circle (מ to the letter before it ל). Milah is completion - thus gematria of מל is 70 (7 being completion in this world.) (Lech Lecha) 22/11/2018

Bris Milah




Milk and Meat

Moiredike Sifsei Chachomim; how Avraham could give the meleachim meat and milk: maybe he held like the opinion that it is sufficient with kinuach vehadacha (cracker and a drink,) between meat and milk. Shows gadlus does not equate to chumros. Although I don’t see the question; who says a Jew can’t feed a goy meat immediately followed by milk? (Vayera) 22/11/2018



Verav Yaavod Tzair

I wonder if Daniel Barenboim conducting the Staatskapel Berlin Orchestra is a kiyum of ורב יעבד צאיר - the older (Esav) will serve the younger (Yaacov.) 27/11/2018

I was asked how Yitzchok could have so much expectation in Esav. One has to assume if Esav's Head was buried in Maaras Hamachpeilah, it was kulo kadosh. Although I don't know how this could be, based on his deeds, but how else could it be buried there? As my Rosh Yeshivah said, if he lived now, he would be considered the gadol hador - scary. 11/12/2018

The Great Potential of Esav

We learn from Rashi, it is better to have a good question than a bad answer. In describing Rivka, the pasuk says: the mother of Yaacov and Esav. Rashi says איני יודע מה מלמדנו, - I don’t know what it is teaching us. 12/6/2018

Torah Education

There is a bewildering pasuk that Rivka says to Yaacov, the curse (of Yitzchok ) will be on me... do you really think Yaacov Avinu would proceed if he thought his mother was chos veshalom going to be cursed over his action? Shkoach to my chaver who showed me the Unkelus that Rivkah was saying she had a nevuah that there would be no curse. 12/2/2018

Rivkah and Yaacov

The Tanach contains one of the shortest psukim; וישב יצחק בגרר. This corresponds to the dearth of information given on Yitzchok. Yitzchok, as the pillar of bein adam leMakom (gvurah,) passed the ultimate test at the akeidah. Chesed (Avraham) and Emes (Yaakov) don’t have singular tests, but are ongoing, situation-based. 29/112018

Chesed, Gevurah, Emes


Verav Yaavod Tzair

There is a peledike Baal Haturim, that Yaacov was Kohen Gadol and H’ berated Michoel for causing a moom to his thigh. I thought it was the sar of Esav. Was Michoel the sar of Esav then? 21/12/2018


Yaacov and Rebbi Akiva

I guess the Shepherds were rocking and rolling at the well. One can’t help seeing the connection between Yaacov, rock and water and Rebbi Akiva (same letters,) rock and water. (Vayetzei) 13/11/2018

Embryology In Torah

How could Leah change the fetus from a male to female and bear Dina. The Gemora (Brochos 60a) explains that the first 3 days determine if it will be a fetus, up to forty (if the man has seeded at the same time the woman has ovulated - if that is what mazriah means) it can go either way. Apparently science has caught up a bit with Torah and understands that until 40 days (genetic coding notwithstanding) there is no evidence of gender. 4/12/2019


Baal Haturim on beged lilbosh says Yaacov was Kohen Gadol and Hashem berated Michoel for making him a baal mum knocking his thigh. I thought it was the sar shel Esav. Could they have been the same?

Yaacov as Kohein Gadol

You Take Yourself Wherever You Go

Bederech drosh maybe Hashem did not say to Yaacov [go...] el beis avicha (as with Avraham,) since Yaacov never (spiritually) left his father’s house. Even in the midst of thieves and robbers. 3/2/2020

Torah and Contemporary Politics

Maaseh avos siman lebanim. Esav married daughters of Yishmoel and that might explain why the Europeans are in bed with Bnei Yishmoel. 21/12/2019

Yaacov and Rebbi Akiva

I guess the Shepherds were rocking and rolling at the well. One can’t help seeing the connection between Yaacov, rock and water and Rebbi Akiva (same letters,) rock and water. 13/11/2018



Lifnei Iver

Rashi says that Yaacov blessed Paroh that the Nile would rise to meet him. Given that Paroh masqueraded as a god, surely this was aiding and abetting avoidah zorah. 6/1/2020



Lavan and Yosef

The merfarshei Chumash don’t seem to comment, but there is a close resemblance between the events of Yosef’s messenger chasing the brothers for his goblet and Lavan chasing Yaacov for his getchkes (idols.) The youngest has it, the brothers say the one with whom it is found ומת etc מעשי אבות סימן לבנים (the deeds of the fathers reflect on the children.) 3/1/2020



Torah Poetry

There is a beautiful piece of poetic writing in 48:23/24. ותכלינה שבע שני השבע(vatichlena) and ותחילנה שבע שני הרעב ( vatechilena ) Simply translated they ended; the 7 years of fullness and they started; the 7 years of famine. The Daas Zekeinim learns ותכלינה related to כליל(crowned) and ותחילנה to חולה (sick). 25/12/2019